Jemima black blouse with polka dots

Destockage : pièces ni reprises ni échangées
Livraison sous 7 à 15 jours

With a singular femininity, the Jemima blouse embodies all the romanticism and poetry dear to Flolove . The cotton is woven in France. The play of ruffles on the front and armholes gives a light and creative look while being lined to avoid transparency.

  • Fabric: cotton gauze
  • Cotton lining
  • Two ruffles in front
  • 1 button on the back
  • 3 button cuffs
  • Delivery within 2/3 days
Un mot de Florence

"I particularly like this blouse because I find that the bohemian-chic mix is ​​perfectly successful. It is very pleasant to wear with its cotton gauze material. Ideal for an evening."


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